Unit 4 Reflections

Self-Assessment Reflection
From my experience in the ENGL301 online course, I think my greatest weakness was the duration of time I took to realize and correct my flawed approach to peer reviews. It was approximately a month and a half into the course when I finally understood that additional details in reviews were necessary for multiple reasons. Readers of a review are not necessarily the author of the original piece; and even in the situation that they are, details allow the review to make sense without needing the original document beside it. Once this was understood however, I was quick to adjust my approach and I consider that a strength.

From my perspective, the role of a student is to continuously critique, improve, and learn. This past term, ENGL301 has allowed me to practice each of these traits, and I am thankful as they will undoubtedly prove useful in the near future.

Reflection on Creating a Web Folio
The approach I took to creating my web folio was a systematic one. I began by briefly researching what web folios were, their general structure, and reading over the list of requirements on the lesson 4.3 assignment page. I decided early on that I would re-purpose my blog website to save some time, and began to perform the checklist of tasks.

As I was working through my tasks, an interesting realization occurred. Crafting a web folio requires constant mindfulness of the reader, much like the technical writing in the course. The experience has been most valuable, and I am certain that what I have learned will aid me in my future endeavours.

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