Unit 3:1 Peer Review of Cynthia Li’s Memo to Evan Crisp


To: Cynthia Li, ENGL 301 Student
From: Joanna Yu, ENGL 301 Student
Date: July 23, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of ‘Writing with You Attitude’ Assignment

Your assignment for ‘Memorandum Demonstrating You- Attitude’ has been reviewed. You have done an excellent job at providing helpful advice using the you-attitude. Below are overall impressions and comments for each section of your assignment.

The subject line appropriately identifies the memo’s content. Adding “Best” in the beginning of the subject will help eliminate any ambiguities regarding the purpose of the memo.

The introduction is informative, professional, and friendly. Since the assignment involves peer reviewing Evan Crisp’s email to his professor, letting the reviewee know that his work has been reviewed will help clarify the message of the memo. For example, “Your email to the professor has been reviewed.”.

The memo is clear, concise, and well structured. The guidelines are appropriately ordered, with tips for introduction near the top, and tips for email conclusion near the bottom. The use of bullet points effectively relays the memo’s message to the reader. Recommendations are straightforward and incredibly helpful.

Writing Style/Grammar
The memo has good grammar throughout, and its professional writing style demonstrates an understanding of the you- attitude. Each pointer provides helpful advice without singling out the reader.

• Using a “.” instead of a “:” will be more appropriate in the sub-bullet point of the first bullet point.
• In the second bullet point, “for example, Hello/Dear Professor Lambert” can be moved and become the second sentence in the sub-bullet point instead of it being nested under the sub-bullet point.
• In the third bullet point, “Avoiding abbreviations, eliminating spacing and grammar or spelling mistakes” can be combined with the second sub-bullet point instead of being nested under it. For example, “Avoiding abbreviations and eliminating spacing, grammar and/or spelling mistakes will help make the email more on point”

The conclusion has the necessary contact information. Addressing the benefits of using a you-attitude will make your recommendations more persuasive and conclude the memorandum effectively.

Thank you for your thoughtful and organized assignment. If you have any questions, please email me at joannayu9710@gmail.com.

Link to Cynthia Li’s memorandum: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-98a-2020sa/2020/07/20/unit-31-memo-to-evan-crisp/

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