Author: HangweiBao

Memorandum to Evan Crisp

Memorandum To: Evan Crisp, UBC student From: Hangwei Bao, UBC ENGL 301 Student Date: July 20th, 2020 Subject: Composing Effective Email Messages to Instructors Introduction Thank you for coming to students in English 301 class for advice. I understand the

Peer Review for Luke Jang’s Linkedln profile

To: Luke Jang From : Hangwei Bao Date : July 10, 2020 Subject : Review of Luke Jang’s Linkedln Profile I have reviewed your Linkedln Profile, nicely done! Thank you for your good work, you have done a great job

Progress Report Memorandum for Dr. Erika Paterson

MEMORANDUM   To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From: Hangwei Bao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC Date: July 15, 2020 Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress As requested per this week’s instructions, here is my progress

Outline for the Final Report

Developing an official WeChat account for online orders I. ABSTRACT II. INTRODUCTION: The impact of COVID-19 pandemic The importance of keeping social distance The need analysis of developing an official WeChat account for online orders The purpose of this report

LinkedIn Profile Complete Memorandum

  Memorandum To : Members of The SubaoJang Team From: Hangwei Bao Date: July 3rd, 2020 Subject: Linkedln Profile complete As required in Unit 2.2, I have complete my Linkedln Profile. Here is the link of my Linkedln Profile

Memorandum for Linkedln Practices

To: Members of The SuBaoJang Writing Team From: Hangwei Bao, The SuBaoJang Writing Team Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: Best Practices for professional networking on LinkedIn As requested in Unit 2: 2 assignment, I am here to share with you

Peer review for Luke Jang’s Research Proposal

To: Luke Jung, The SubaoJang team member From : Hangwei Bao, The Subao Jang team member Date : 23 June, 2020 Subject: Peer review of your research proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Converting the Vacant Hospital Facility Thank you

Email Memo to Dr. Erika Paterson

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Hangwei Bao Date: June 19, 2020 Subject : Formal Research Proposal Upload As you requested, my Formal Research Proposal has been uploaded to my team forum ” The SubaoJang”. My chosen topic considers how

Research Proposal Hangwei Bao

To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Hangwei Bao Date: June 19, 2020 Subject: Proposal for developing an official WeChat account for online orders Introduction The threat of COVID-19 is still present in Beijing, China, with a new outbreak reported this week.

Edited Definition Assignment

A/B Testing The word I chose to explain in this assignment is ” A/B testing”. This term was frequently mentioned in my commerce class last semester, which shows the importance of this technical term. Audience and Use profile : A


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