To: Team 4 Term members, ENGL 301
From: Tarandeep Atwal, student ENGL 301
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: Formal report submission- Minimizing Caries Risk in Adolescent Clients at Springdale Family Dental
Hi team members,
Thanks for the feedback throughout this formal report completion project. Please find attached my completed formal report and letter of transmittal in separate pdf links. The report includes the following with details:
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Data Section
- Conclusion
- Works Cited
- Appendices
I hope you enjoy reading the report. Please feel free to contact me for any questions and concerns at t,
Enclosure: 301-T-Atwal-Formal.Report
Enclosure:301-99A-T.Atwal. Letter.Of.Transmittal
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