Month: August 2019

Welcome to English 301

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together and Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your

Cover Letters: Putting YOU attitude into a letter about yourself

Putting YOU attitude into a letter about yourself. It is a difficult task to write an application cover letter ‘selling’ your skills while making the reader’s needs the most important. Rule # 1: Begin by saying something nice about the

Preparing the Web Folio

Good Saturday 301 I am in the process of reading your Reports, which will take me about a week – I’ll send out your grades and comments for you as I work through the reports. I hope you all enjoy

Final Self-editing tips for Formal Report

When self-editing your Formal Report keep in mind the most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader already


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