Month: October 2019

A Student example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours Please note the minimal use of imperative verbs  Note how each Section of the Document under

Details Please!

DETAILS please Without details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic Statement of Problem Proposed Solutions Scope of Questions Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources My Qualifications Conclusion With Details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic

Preparing a Peer Review for a Proposal for a formal Report

Here are some tips for preparing to peer review a proposal for a Formal Report. Writing tip: Avoid pronouns: “I” / “You”  Before you read the document —  prepare a list of headings and sub-headings designed to match the requirements

Writing Tip: Take out the Pronouns!

WRITING TIP: Take out the people/ pronouns: “I” and “You”  Please study this example: Note how concise and clear the passage without pronouns reads. The first paragraph of this review is all about the author of the review. Take out

Subject lines, File names and Attachments

Subject Lines and file names ALWAYS CONSIDER YOU READER’S NEEDS FIRST. Stopping to consider how your document or message or memo will be used  – who is reading and why? — this is your first consideration. ‘301 Student Name Assignment name’ I


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