Month: February 2020

Preparing to write a Linked In Peer Review and Template

ENGL 301: LinkedIn Peer Review Form Here is an example of an excellent LinkedIn peer review to study: well organized, complete, concise and clear. Please note the minimal use of pronouns: I / You / Yours Please note the minimal

Editing out the Pronouns

Take out the people/ pronouns: “I” and “You”  Please study this example: Note how concise and clear the passage without pronouns reads. The first paragraph of this review is all about the author of the review. Take out the pro-noun “I”

Editing out Imperative Verbs

Editing out imperative verbs helps to create a more persuasive and professional voice. Here are some more examples to study. Strong background summary with value proposition to the workforce Writing a strong background and summary in context with your field

Editing out the imperative verbs

Avoiding Imperative verbs is helpful for creating a document that places the reader first. While imperative verbs have their place in many types of writing, in professional and technical writing imperative verbs are best avoided or used for special emphasis.

Details Please!

DETAILS please Without details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic Statement of Problem Proposed Solutions Scope of Questions Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources My Qualifications Conclusion With Details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours Please note the minimal use of imperative verbs  Note how each Section of the Document under

Subject lines, attachments and file names

Subject Lines and File Names Stopping to consider how your document or message or memo will be used  – who is reading and why? — this is your first consideration. Sometimes, I open an incorrectly named attachment and the document does not

Example of a Peer Review for the Definition Assignment

English 301 Lesson 1:3 Assignments: Peer review Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with sub-headings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each element of the document as well as general elements First Impressions is a good way to

Preparing a Formal Report Proposal

This blog is meant to guide you with preparations for creating a proposal for your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process: 123 – 186. Below you will find:


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