Month: March 2020

Updates on End of Term and Evaluations

Good Monday Morning English 301; I hope you are all well and adjusting to this strange and scary situation. I am back at work today with the goal of updating all of your evaluation sheets as quickly as possible. I

End of term Evaluations and our Syllabus

Hello 301 Good Tuesday everyone; O.K. we all have some choices to make and I want to work toward as much flexibility for people as possible. I figure there are two ends to your feelings as a class; at one

YOU attitude tips and examples

You can find a few post on Writing with YOU attitude on this blog, if you search. However, learning the techniques of writing with YOU attitude is so valuable, I am dedicating this page to a collection of past YOU

Survey and Interview Introduction: ethical introductions and examples

Survey and Interview Introduction: an example  A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is a very important. You must fulfill research ethics.  Here is a good example for you to study and


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