Peer Review: Annie Maurer’s definition assignment

To: Annie Maurer

From: Shujun Peng

Peer Review/ term: Standard Deviation

Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1: 3; this is an enjoyable read. Please see the review of the document below with suggestions for improvements, which you might find useful.

First impression:

This looks like a well-written document with all the assignment requirements well-organized, including good visuals correctly labeled and extensive works cited list correctly formatted.


The document is complete according to assignments; it included :

  • A detailed introduction
  • Three forms of definition
  • Types of expansion
  • A visual
  • A work cited lists


The overall organization of the document is clear and shows the author has read the instructions carefully.

  • A good introduction is included, the intended audience is clearly defined in the introduction paragraph. The purpose of writing this assignment is also included.
  • Subtitles are highlighted, gives the reader a clear guide when reading.
  • The title of figure 1 is directly below the visual on the word doc.
  • The document ends abruptly, maybe a short conclusion would help readers know that the explanation of the term is finished.


  • The use of parenthetical definition is excellent, assists with understanding the expanded definition.
  • Overall, the expression is professional, and have avoided a big chunk of text.

Grammar and Technical Errors

Please refer to the following in regards to minor grammatical errors:

In the expanded definition

-“ Standard deviation can only used to describe data with quantitative variables”,  change “ can only used to” can only be used”

-“ The standard deviation is showed pictorially in Figure 1”, change the word “ showed” to “shown”.

Work Cited list:

Impressive works cited list—however, the correct MLA style is required; yours is APA style.

Missing one in-text citation in the expanded definition section:

The sum of the squared differences between a data point and the mean ()”;  including the author’s name and page number in the parenthesis that you provided.

Concluding comments:

Your definition is interesting to read; informative and nicely organized, thank you. With the following edits, and a good proofread for small errors, this will be a really useful and excellent document:

-Correcting minor grammar errors

-Editing in-text citation and change the work cited style

-Including a proper conclusion will be helpful

Thank you and please feel free to ask any questions, it has been a pleasure reviewing this work. Enjoy.

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