Assignment 2.1 – Email Memorandum to Professor Paterson


To: Ms. Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL301 Technical Communications

From: Ashley Yuan, Student in ENGL301

Date: October 13, 2020

Subject: Formal Report Proposal Posted

I would like to inform you that my Formal Report Proposal is posted on the Team Forum “JJAM”. You can find a link to the proposal enclosed in this memo.

The attached proposal includes

  • an introduction to the issue being researched
  • the background and intended audience of the formal report
  • a statement of the issue
  • the proposed solution
  • questions I plan to explore
  • the proposed methodology to conduct the research
  • my qualifications in this area of study
  • possible limitations of the research

Please let me know if you have further questions about my proposal. I look forward to getting started, with your approval.


Enclosure: 301 Ashley Yuan Formal Report Proposal

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