Assignment 2-1 Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson
From: Hilton Ma
Date: October 14, 2020
Subject: Proposal to License 3D Anatomy Software for Health Science Students at University of British Columbia



Since mid-March of 2020, the COVID-19 virus has caused schools to close and switch to online and virtual solutions. As a result, students at the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) campus, enrolled in hands-on lab-based classes, are deprived of learning resources that would normally be available. Anatomy courses are among the courses most severely affected. These courses would typically include a lecture component, as well as an in-person component. The in-person lab component would facilitate learning through student interaction of three-dimensional (3D) anatomical models. Through COVID restrictions, this lack of in-person learning resources causes greater reliance on learning (and teaching) from online and textbook human anatomy images – drastically undercutting student comprehension of the course material.

Statement of Problem
The lack of hands-on learning resources available to students enrolled in anatomy courses leads to a more superficial understanding of the subject. These are some of the implications as a result:

  1. Lack of learning resources will lower student satisfaction of the course, ultimately lowering teaching evaluation scores.
  2. Students become more stressed from the lack of perceived knowledge, which can negatively impact self-efficacy and GPA
  3. Superficial understanding from students reduces competency, and will result in a negative reflection on UBCO

Proposed Solution
A potential solution to the lack of in-person 3D learning resources, is to supplement the resources through the licensing of an appropriate 3D anatomy software. The rise in touchscreen smartphones and tablets usage has produced numerous anatomy applications. Some of these applications are extraordinarily detailed and marketed toward health care professionals – potentially becoming a suitable learning and teaching resource.

To assess the feasibility of licensing a 3D anatomy application for students and faculty members at UBCO, these are the areas I plan to inquiry:

  1. What 3D anatomy applications are available?
  2. What is the software licensing costs for each of these applications for an institution of learning?
  3. What is the school budget for implementing learning aids?
  4. How detailed and appropriate are these anatomy models as a learning aid?
  5. How interoperable are these applications?
  6. How large is the student and professor demand for virtual 3-dimensional learning and teaching aids?

My primary sources will include consultations with Dr. Greg DuManoir, the Professor of Advanced Functional Anatomy, and Dr. Tanya Forneris, the Associate Director of the school of Health and Exercise Sciences at the UBCO. I will explore available 3D anatomy applications, and assess the feasibility of implementation. Utilization of online surveys and interview with students, enrolled in the class, will also allow for quantitative and qualitative assessment of the demand.

My Qualifications
I have completed a Functional Anatomy (HMKN 190) equivalent course pre-pandemic, and am currently enrolled in Advanced Functional Anatomy (HMKN 391) at UBCO during a pandemic. This allows me to compare the differences in learning resources, as well as learning quality. My association with Dr. DuManoir, Dr. Forneris, and fellow students enrolled in the course provides me this opportunity for the feasibility assessment.

Additional learning supplements are necessary for students to learn human anatomy at normal pre-pandemic levels. Through resolution of the various inquiries, that were previously mentioned, I will be able to determine the feasibility of licensing a 3D anatomy software. With your consent, I will commence immediately.

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