Details Please

DETAILS please

Without details:

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Introduction of Topic
  • Statement of Problem
  • Proposed Solutions
  • Scope of Questions
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources
  • My Qualifications
  • Conclusion

With Details:

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Introduction of Topic – Improving recycling at Mobify
  • Statement of Problem –  Negative effects due to improper recycling
  • Proposed Solutions – Educate, labeling, technology
  • Scope of Questions – Areas to focus my research: customer approval, methods, costs and implicating new systems
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Surveys, observation and interviews as well as academic articles
  • My Qualifications – Fresh point of view of the company and passion for the environment
  • Conclusion – Wrap up

The reader of a Peer Review is not necessarily the writer of the document under review – so details are necessary. Please note in the following examples how pronouns have been edited-out as well as details included in red.

Example: “I have reviewed your research proposal. Thank you for your effort on producing such a well written proposal. It was very concise, organized and easy to read. I have provided my thoughts and suggestions below:

REWRITE: The proposal, “Paper Waste Reduction in Elite Educational Institute is well written, concise, organized and easy to read. Please see suggestions below:


ExampleYou have demonstrated how serious the issue is and why actions needed to be taken. I really enjoy reading it.

REWRITE: The proposal demonstrates the negative environmental and financial aspects of paper waste and promotes a zero-waste environment for the Yeouido Branch of Elite


Example: “The introduction is short and concise and provides readers enough details to understand the background information of the issue.

REWRITE: The Introduction is concise providing details of the school’s success and rapid growth.

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