Nicholas Jang Assignment 2-1

To: Dr. Paterson

From: Nicholas Jang

Date: October 14, 2020

Subject: How UBC CVC can improve engagement from its general members. 



UBC CVC (CVC) is UBC’s largest social club with 500 general members and 83 executives. Previously known as the Chinese Varsity Club, CVC has a presence on campus for over 90 years. As an established club on campus, CVC must continue to adapt and evolve to retain its status amongst the UBC’s student body. 

Statement of Problem:

 Since CVC is one of the largest clubs on campus, it must create fresh events to maintain its membership numbers. While the club had growing membership numbers in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted this year’s membership sign-ups. Unless prompt action is taken CVC’s membership numbers may further drop in subsequent years.  

Proposed Solution:

My proposed solution is to create a multi-faceted launch strategy for the 2021 school year that will revert the current dip in membership numbers. This launch strategy will focus on creating greater opportunities for the student body to participate in events and increase interest in joining the club. In addition to events, the strategy will also feature exclusive partnership discounts to differentiate CVC from other social clubs.


To fully understand the problem and assess the feasibility of my solution, I propose to focus on five key questions:

  1. If in-person learning is resumed in 2021 how will that impact the club’s strategy?
  2. How can CVC differentiate itself from similar social clubs with the same target market?
  3. How will the club retain its core values while implementing this new strategy?
  4. What types of partnership discounts does our target market prefer?
  5. How can CVC leverage its resources to maximize social presence?


Primary data sources will be obtained by conducting interviews with the executive and general member body of the club. Information obtained from the general members can be used to identify the target market wants. In contrast, data from the executive body can be used to analyze the feasibility of the proposed solution. 

Secondary data sources will be focused on statistics from UBC admission and articles regarding potential commercial partnerships. The data from UBC admissions will be used to forecast target market size through different demographic segmentation variables. Articles will be used to assess potential partnerships. 

My Qualifications:

I am currently the Cultural Department Head at UBC CVC which oversees some of the largest events on campus. Working in this role I have gained tremendous insight into event planning; this knowledge can be used to ensure that potential events included in the strategy are feasible in terms of financially and logistically. My previous experience as a marketing analyst gives me the required capability to facilitate useful interviews that will provide meaningful responses.


Due to the COVID – 19 pandemic, CVC’s membership numbers and engagement has decreased significantly from previous years. By addressing the five key questions mentioned above, CVC will be able to mitigate its membership problem in the next school year. By implementing a layered strategy that focuses upon events and partnership discounts the club can preserve its presence on campus

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