Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo


To: Ashley Yuan, Jen Deluz, Mila Tung
From: Jonathan Ho
Date: October 25, 2020
Subject: Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Networking

Hi team,

Here is a list of ten best practices for networking on LinkedIn:

  1. Adding a background photo may help with standing out (Fleming)
  2. Personalize the headline (Fleming)
  3. Include skills relevant to the professional field (Fleming)
  4. Make the summary section interesting to read (Fleming)
  5. (Re)Connect with people (Prasad)
  6. Join relevant groups in LinkedIn (Balkhi)
  7. Interact with the people and groups you connect with (Balkhi)
  8. Be active on the platform by posting (Prasad)
  9. Use the endorsement feature (Fleming)
  10. Share relevant content (Fleming)

I hope these tips aid you all in your professional profiles and I look forward to reviewing your pages in the following days!


Works Cited:

Balkhi, Syed. “Tips for Successfully Networking on LinkedIn.” Business.Com, Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.

Fleming, Jane. 20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020. Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.

Prasad, Kiran. Four Tips to Network on LinkedIn. Accessed 25 Oct. 2020.

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