Jessica Lee | Assignment 2.2 Memo Re. Best LinkedIn Practives


To: Phoebe Wu, Barton Lui, Nicholas Jang, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket
From: Jessica Lee, ENGL 301 99A Student
Date: October 24th, 2020
Subject: Research on the Ten Best Linked-In Practices

Hi team – writing to you all to share with you the ten best linked-in practices which I have found for assignment 2.2 for our ENGL course. Please kindly find below my research results:

  1. Choose the right profile picture – The profile picture is what sets your first impression for others so do spend some time dressing up professionally and smile for the camera! (omoth)
  2. Make your headline more than just your job title – The headline is what people learn about your first as they enter your Linked-In page, meaning it’s your first chance to introduce yourself and your specialty to the visitor. (fleming)
  3. Take advantage of the summary section – Utilize the summary section to elaborate on what you do well and what are some things you can bring to a prospective employer. Keywords would be beneficial here as it connects you better to people in your field of interest. (omoth)
  4. Add keywords of your field of interest – By adding keywords that are repeatedly used in fields and roles of your interest, you will appear in more and more search results in the according fields. (carter)
  5. Follow companies and connect with employees – These two steps are great ways to learn more about the job or company that you are interested in and to learn first-hand information about potential job-openings or big events. (carter)
  6. Grow your network – You can do this by connecting with employees as mentioned above or connect with friends and families. This allows linked-in to recommend more relevant people for you to connect with and increases the possibility of being found by a prospective employer.
  7. Treat your profile like your resume – Fill in all the sections with details and care. This profile shouldn’t just be a list of job duties, but a place to highlight all your best accomplishments. (the muse)
  8. List your relevant skills – Make sure to include the skills and services you offer, they may very well be what sets you apart from the thousands of other job applicants. (fleming)
  9. Spread the endorsement love – By endorsing others, you are indirectly encouraging and asking them to endorse you back. The more endorsement you get, the more convinced a job recruiter would be about the skillset you have gotten endorsed for. (fleming)
  10. Ask for recommendations – This is a big one as job recruiters often want to know that others have approved of your work.

The ten steps listed above are what I believe to be the ten-best linked-in practices according to my research. I hope these tips are helpful for you when putting together your Linked-In profile and I look forward to connecting with each of you on the website. Please don’t hesitate in contacting me should you have any questions or concerns.



Carter, R. Claudia. “How to Build the Perfect LinkedIn Profile – According to Recruiters” Career Contessa, 11 June. 2020,

Fleming, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020” Business Linkedin, 20 Feb. 2020,

 Omoth, Tyler. “10 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out (2020 Guide)” TopResume, 2020,

 The Muse Editor, The Muse,

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