Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Shuge Luo, Anusha Saleem, Amol Chahal (The Writers who leap through Time)
From: Enguang Shi
Date: October 26th, 2020
Subject: 10 best practices for LinkedIn

Hi team,

I would like to share with you the results of my research on LinkedIn best practices.

  1. Choose an appropriate and professional profile photo. The appearance should be clean and professional for the industry, and the lighting in the photo should be flattering.
  2. Keep the profile contemporary. Keeping the page fresh means it reflects the most recent accolades and continues to impress those who read the profile regularly.
  3. Make the headline eye-catching. Instead of just listing the job title, mention the specialty and how to benefit the company or customers. Also, the target audience should be kept in mind.
  4. Use the summary to tell an interesting story. Instead of focusing on past experience, focus on what it can bring to a prospective employer.
  5. Avoid words that are used too much. Instead of using these common words, be specific. Using facts and figures where possible.
  6. Emphasize the experience. Use good action words to show not only what you have experienced, but what you specifically accomplished in each position.
  7. Connect to other people. Synch the profile with the email address book and follow up meetings and conversations with LinkedIn connection requests.
  8. Join and use LinkedIn groups. Joining industry-specific or relevant groups gives you an avenue to start discussions, crowdsource sentiment, or ask or answer questions.
  9. Show the ability and passion for learning new things. It is possible to add course certificates on the profile page.
  10. Follow some influencers in the industry. It helps to demonstrate the passion for work and interact with other people in the same industry.

I hope these tips could be helpful and I am looking forward to reviewing your LinkedIn profiles!


  1. 10 Tips for a Great LinkedIn Profile in 2020, 22 Sept. 2020,
  2. Fleming, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile in 2020.” Business Solutions on LinkedIn, 20 Feb. 2020,
  3. Omoth, Tyler. “How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out (2020 Guide).” TopResume, 5 May 2020,
  4. Shore, Jennifer. “17 LinkedIn Marketing Best Practices.” Inbound Marketing Agency, 16 Jan. 2020,

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