Email Memorandum: 10 Best LinkedIn Practices


To: Syed Ahmed, Elton Kok, Richard Chen, Members of Team Undefined
From: Aleem, Team Undefined Member
Date: October 26th, 2020
Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices

Hello Team,

In order to best prepare for the creation of our LinkedIn profiles this week, I would like to share with you some best practices for LinkedIn that I have researched and found. I hope you will find the following tips useful:

  • Focus on the headshot photo – First impressions are vital; your profile photo should try to convey a positive quality that best reflects you.
  • Distinguish yourself with your headline – Communicate your experience, your goals, and your character.
  • Tell a story with your summary – Weave together your narrative from future goals and objectives to your grasp of the industry and what you can do for your employer.
  • Education – Emphasize what you learned and notable experiences during your time at University.
  • Detail your experience – Discuss your work experience and personal portfolio experience in a way that showcases your achievements.
  • Share your volunteering – your LinkedIn profile should reflect that there are causes you care about and support, this can demonstrate that you are a well-rounded individual.
  • Expand on relevant skills – List your skills, people with at least 5 skills rank higher on search indexing and are 33x more likely to be messaged by a recruiter.
  • Be bold – Don’t be shy to both give recommendations and ask for recommendations from professional contacts.
  • Custom URL – make a unique custom URL for your profile.
  • Understand the algorithm – make use of keywords relevant to your job of interest so recruiters are more likely to see you.

In conclusion, your profile should best reflect your ideal self and communicate it to both recruiters and professional contacts in an effective manner. I hope the above tips were helpful.

Kindest Regards,



Works Cited:

“How to Effectively Use LinkedIn.” Student Services, 18 July 2019,

Shin, Laura. How To Use LinkedIn: 5 Smart Steps To Career Success. 30 Jan. 2016,

Todd, Joseph, director. How To Use LinkedIn for Beginners 2020 (Setup + 9 Profile Tips), Joseph Todd, 17 Jan. 2020,


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