Memo concerning LinkedIn Best Practices


To: “Fourth Pair of Eyes” Writing Team
From: Mitchell Prost
Date: October 26, 2020
Subject: Brief Summary of Research Concerning Best Practices for Professional Networking on Linked In

Hello Writing Team,

Included in this memo is a brief summary of the research I have conducted concerning best practices for professional networking on Linked In. I found a list created in 2013 by Linked In itself that is geared towards young professionals interested in kick starting their career through networking opportunities. The top ten tips that this resource had are as follows:

  1. Complete your profile to 100% as members with complete profiles are 40x more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn;
  2. Understand that you have more experience than you think;
  3. Utilize the inbox feature;
  4. Customize connection requests;
  5. Join LinkedIn Groups;
  6. Support others in networking and finding opportunities;
  7. Update your status early and often;
  8. Request informational interviews;
  9. Use LinkedIn’s search features to learn more about the background and interests of people you’re meting; and
  10. Support your online networking with in-person networking.

These ten tips provided by LinkedIn are specially geared towards networking for students, and thus are more appropriate for our writing team.

The link to the infographic containing this information can be found here.



“How to Network on LinkedIn.” LinkedIn. 2013. Web. 26 October 2020. <—How-to-Network-for-Students.pdf>

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