Memorandum: Best LinkedIn Practices

To: Team Members
From: Shuge
Date: October 26th, 2020
Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices

Hello Team,

As we are preparing for the coming creation of our LinkedIn profiles, I am going to share some tips and practices for setup LinkedIn profile. I hope you will find those tips useful.

  • Add a background photo: Many people only set up their profile picture while ignored their background photo which is the second visual element at the top of LinkedIn profile page. It grabs people’s attention, and show some personality characteristics.
  • headline is more than just a job title: There’s no rule that says the description at the top of your profile page has to be just a job title.
  • Turn your summary into your story: I saw some summary with the description about the love for history and politics, though he was an engineer, which give me a fresh look at engineer.
  • Use LinkedIn Endorsements: Endorsements are a quick and easy way for your professional contacts to help show other users where your expertise lies.
  • Include Your LinkedIn Profile Address on Your Resume: Including your LinkedIn URL on your resume makes it easy for prospective employers to visit LinkedIn to learn more about you and your skills and qualifications.
  • Follow relevant influencers for your industry: Following relevant influencers on LinkedIn helps to put a range of interesting content in your feed, which you can then share with others when you think it adds value.
  • List your relevant skills :It’s one of the quickest of quick wins on LinkedIn – scroll through the list of skills and identify those that are relevant to you.

Presenting to the world a true and best our self is one of the most important steps of our career life. Hope those tips were helpful!

Kind Regards,



Works Cited:

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2020


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