Memorandum: LinkedIn Best Practices


To: Shujun Peng and Ishaan Vora, Team Members of ENGL 301 Writing Group
From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Student
Date: October 26, 2020
Subject: Best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn

Hi Bloomers, please find a summary of ten LinkedIn best practices. These tips that can be used during the next phase of ENGL 301 when creating a LinkedIn profile.

  • Include a professional headshot – Profiles are more likely to be viewed if a headshot is included. However, be sure to use a recent, clear and professional photograph.
  • Write a really good summary – The summary is the first part of your profile and is your best opportunity to create a good impression. Spend time to create a short and powerful summary.
  • Use keywords with intent – Other users find profiles through search, so having smart keywords will make a big difference in having your profile seen by your dream employer.
  • Proofread – Be sure that there are no typos in your profile. Having typos is one way a similar candidate could be offered an interview over yourself.
  • Connect with people you may not know – LinkedIn is a tool for meeting new people. Do not be shy and do not be afraid to reach out to people you find interesting.
  • Join groups – LinkedIn groups are a great way to network and become immersed in a field. Joining groups aligned with your interests and goals will make potential employers more likely to see your profile.
  • Include your interests – Don’t skip out on the interests sections. Including your interests will connect you with more, like-minded people. As well, interests will highlight your multifaceted nature.
  • Use personalized connected requests – Reach out to mentors or potential allies with a personalized message. This is one way to stand out amongst the crowd.
  • Keyword rich experiences – Spend time to include powerful, relevant keywords to your experiences. This shows potential employers what you bring to the table and how your skills have been used in the past.
  • Don’t be afraid to post accomplishments – Your profile is your place to shine. Be careful not to embellish, but write about your accomplishments in a clear and straightforward way.

Remember that there is only limited space in your profile so chose your words wisely to create the image that you want people to see. Don’t be shy and include all relevant sections to make the most out of your profile. Hopefully these tips prove useful as you embark on your LinkedIn journey.


Kim, Larry. “22 Great Tips For Enhancing Your Linkedin Profile”. Medium, 2020,

“How to Effectively Use LinkedIn.” Student Services, University of British Columba, 

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