Nicholas Jang | Assignment 2.2 Memo, Best LinkedIn Practices



To: Phoebe Wu, Barton Lui, Jessica Lee, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket
From: Nicholas Jang, ENGL 301 99A Student
Date: October 26th, 2020
Subject: Research on the Ten Best LinkedIn Practices


Hi everyone – having an updated and professional LinkedIn profile is a key element to the ENGL 301 coursework, however, it also has further importance due to its real-life applications.
Below are some tips I found while researching networking strategies for LinkedIn:


  1. Create a disruptive headline, avoid using the default profile headline created by LinkedIn when you update your job field. Instead, create a succinct headline that highlights your experiences, capabilities, and aptitudes (Pope).
  2. Maintain a quality profile, be sure that your profile has the following critical elements quality headshot, headline, experience, education, background image (The Marketing Squad).
  3. Be honest, avoid listing false work experience as hiring managers may ask you about it in the future (Garone).
  4. Meaningful connections matter, focus on developing real relationships on LinkedIn as opposed to adding as many people as possible regardless if you know them or not (Garone).
  5. Let people know you’re available, using features such as the “open to work” feature allows others to know that you are open to new employment opportunities (Suder).
  6. Customize invitation requests, short personalized messages attached to invitation requests dramatically increase the likelihood of connecting (Pope).
  7. Update your status regularly, status updates remind your network of your current job status and possible opportunities you are hoping to pursue (Garone).
  8. Get involved in LinkedIn professional groups, joining these groups will help you expand your network, show your expertise, and possibly connect you with future employment opportunities.
  9. Post quality content, posting a balanced mix of your firm’s content and external content prevents you from coming off in an overly sales-y manner (Pope).
  10. Be social able, participate in genuine communications with others to form meaningful relationships that go beyond just the simple LinkedIn connection (The Marketing Squad).



The ten strategies listed above were chosen as they cover the multiple aspects of LinkedIn. In my professional life, I have used some of these strategies and have seen success with them. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my strategies or need help implementing them in your profiles.


Garone, Elizabeth. Promoting Yourself on LinkedIn. 5 March 2010. 26 October 2020. <>.

Pope, Joe. LinkedIn Networking Tips: Making Connections and Getting Business in 3 Easy Steps. 17 June 2020. October 26, 2020. <>.

Suder, Ronda. How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job. N.D. 26 October 2020. <>.

The Marketing Squad. 5 LinkedIn Strategies to Generate More Leads. 30 April; 2020. 26 October 2020. <>.



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