ENGL 301 Quentin Michalchuk; Email Memorandum: Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn


To: Eugenia Fasciani, Claire Eccles, Hilton Ma, Team Members of Pencil Pack and Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Quentin Michalchuk, ENGL 301 Student
Date: October 30th, 2020
Subject: Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn

I welcome you to explore my LinkedIn, updated appropriately to include all elements described in the assignment instructions:

  • Summary – A short paragraph summarizing my skills and aptitudes
  • Work Experience – A chronological list of previous employment and academic experiences
  • Volunteer Experience – A chronological list of community involvement and leadership
  • Education – The post-secondary institution I attend
  • Skills – A list of salient skills
  • Accomplishments – Recent certificates and achievements obtained

I look forward to connecting with everybody, viewing profiles and receiving and giving constructive feedback.  Please find my profile here.

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