Month: October 2020

Email Memorandum: Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn

EMAIL MEMORANDUM To: Syed Ahmed, Elton Kok , Aleem Tariq, Members of Team Undefined, Dr. Paterson, Instructor of ENGL 301 99A From: Richard Chen, Member of Team Undefined Date: October 30th, 2020 Subject: Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn Greetings Team

Assignment 2.2 – Email Memorandum for LinkedIn Invitation

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Ashley Yuan, Jen Deluz, Mila Tung From: Jonathan Ho Date: October 30, 2020 Subject: Invitation to LinkedIn Profile Dear Dr. Erika Paterson and team, I am writing to inform you all that my LinkedIn profile

Barton Lui | Assignment 2.2 Memo, My LinkedIn Profile Page

Email Memorandum To: Phoebe Wu, Nicholas Jang, Jessica Lee, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket From: Barton Lui, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: An Invitation to my LinkedIn Profile Page I have

Assignment 2.2 – Email Memorandum for LinkedIn Invitation

MEMORANDUM   To: Ashley Yuan, Jonathan Ho, and Mila Tung, English 301 99A JJAM Team Members From: Jen Deluz, English 301 99A Student and JJAM Team Member Date: October 29, 2020 Subject: Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn   I would

Research Proposal- Repost

To: Dr. Erika Patterson From: Evan Ruiz October 27, 2020 Subject: Proposal to study how intermittent physical activity, in the midst of remote learning, can be applied to improve the overall health and mental wellbeing of members at the Kappa

Editing-out Imperative Verbs

Editing out the imperative verbs when possible will make your writing more reader-friendly by changing the tone from ‘a command’ to ‘a suggestion’. Editing out imperative verbs often changes the sense of the sentence from a command to an ‘action

Progress Reports: most common errors

Here is a list of the most common errors in Formal Report Proposals: Neglecting to put a name and date on an attachment Neglecting to correctly name attachments Neglecting to put initials beside your name on memos Avoiding the word

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Formal Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note: the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours the minimal use of imperative verbs how each Section of the Document under review has a

Memorandum: LinkedIn Best Practices

MEMORANDUM To: Shujun Peng and Ishaan Vora, Team Members of ENGL 301 Writing Group From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Student Date: October 26, 2020 Subject: Best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn Hi Bloomers, please find a summary of ten

Assignment 2-2 – Email Memorandum: Best Practices for Professional Networking

MEMORANDUM   To: Claire Eccles, Quentin Michalchuk, Eugenia Fasciani From: Hilton Ma Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research for Best LinkedIn Practices     As per ENGL 301, I have researched some of the best practices for using LinkedIn. Here


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