Month: October 2020

Email Memorandum: 10 Best LinkedIn Practices/Content (Quentin Michalchuk)

MEMORANDUM To: Eugenia Fasciani, Claire Eccles, Hilton Ma, Members of the ENGL 301 Writing Team, Pencil Pack From: Quentin Michalchuk, ENGL 301 Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research of Best Linked In Practices With over 80% of available jobs

Email Memorandum: 10 Best LinkedIn Practices

Memorandum To: Syed Ahmed, Elton Kok, Richard Chen, Members of Team Undefined From: Aleem, Team Undefined Member Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices Hello Team, In order to best prepare for the creation of our LinkedIn profiles this

Nicholas Jang | Assignment 2.2 Memo, My LinkedIn Profile Page

Email Memorandum To: Phoebe Wu, Barton Lui, Jessica Lee, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket From: Nicholas Jang, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: An Invitation to my LinkedIn Profile Page The link

Nicholas Jang | Assignment 2.2 Memo, Best LinkedIn Practices

Memorandum   To: Phoebe Wu, Barton Lui, Jessica Lee, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, Team Rocket From: Nicholas Jang, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research on the Ten Best LinkedIn Practices   Hi

Memorandum: LinkedIn Best Practices

MEMORANDUM To: Syed Ahmed, Elton Kok , Aleem Tariq, Members of Team Undefined From: Richard Chen, Team Undefined Member Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices Greetings team, In anticipation of the creation of our LinkedIn profiles this week,

Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Shuge Luo, Anusha Saleem, Amol Chahal (The Writers who leap through Time) From: Enguang Shi Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: 10 best practices for LinkedIn Hi team, I would like to share with you the results of my research

Assignment 2.2 – Best LinkedIn Practices Memorandum

Memorandum To: Shujen Peng, Annie Muller, Members of the ENGL 301 99A Writing Team, The Bloomers From: Ishaan Vora Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: Research on the Ten Best Linked-In Practices As part of the ENGL 301 curriculum, I am

Email Memorandum: 10 best practices for LinkedIn

To: Elton Kok, Richard Chen, Aleem Tariq (Team Undefined) From: Syed Ahmed Date: October 26th, 2020 Subject: 10 best practices for LinkedIn This is to share with you the results of my research on how to make an effective LinkedIn

Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Jonathan Ho, Mila Tung, Jen Deluz, JJAM Writing Team Members From: Ashley Yuan, JJAM Writing Team Member Date: October 24, 2020 Subject: Best Practices for a LinkedIn Profile   I would like to share some of the best practices

Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

MEMORANDUM To: Ashley Yuan, Jen Deluz, Mila Tung From: Jonathan Ho Date: October 25, 2020 Subject: Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Networking Hi team, Here is a list of ten best practices for networking on LinkedIn: Adding a background photo


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