Assignment 2:2 Peer Review of Linked In Profile

To: Aleem Tariq, Author of the Linked In Profile
From: Elton Kok, Peer Reviewer
Date: November 3rd, 2020
Subject: Peer Review of Aleem Tariq’s Linked In Profile

Hi Aleem,

Thank you for completing this Linked In profile. This is an impressive profile that showcases skills and professional interests in a well-organized format. A review of this profile and suggestions are written below.

First Impressions

This is a well-written and complete profile that does a great job presenting the author’s professional details. Unfortunately, it seems this profile was only recently created as the number of connections are rather small. Requesting connections from current/past coworkers and friends can help expand the network and improve profile visibility. Another minor issue with the profile is the URL is difficult to remember as it contains a random sequence of numbers. Customizing the URL will help when sharing the profile link on resumes/portfolios and make it easier for people to type the link into the browser.

Profile Photo

The profile photo is okay as it features a headshot of the author however it could be improved. Currently, the profile photo is somewhat blurry and the lighting is not that great. A photo which has better lighting conditions and the author looking directly at the camera with a higher resolution can turn this photo into an excellent one. The photo is one of the most important parts of the profile as it gives the viewer their first impression.


This is a great headline that shows the fields of interest of the author. Recruiters and other people that come across this profile can easily tell what industry the author is interested in seeking a job/internship for. Since the author is currently a student at UBC, this would be a good piece of information to add to the headline as some recruiters look for students specifically for internship opportunities.


The summary is well-written section which highlights the background of the author and current professional interests. It is short, yet effective as it captures the background of the author and how they want to combine their previous degree with the current one. The summary ends off well as it shows the author’s eagerness to expand their technical skill set, which is a trait that recruiters look for.

Work and Volunteer Experience

The work and volunteer experience is well-organized according to chronological order and highlights. It is a well-written section and captures the important information and accomplishments at each position.


The education section is well-organized and shows the most recent degree and past degree in the correct order. A possible suggestion in this section is to list industry relevant courses that have been taken at the university.


The skills section of the profile contains many of the technical skills the author is adept in. A suggestion to improve this section is to ask for skill endorsements from connections as well as re-ordering the top three skills to the ones that are most relevant to the industry of interest as they get shown first.


This profile has only one interest, the school of the author. A great way to get involved and expand a person’s network is to follow companies in the industry. Consider following companies/figures relevant to the industry of interest and interacting with their posts through likes or comments to improve profile visibility. Following these companies/figures allows one to stay updated on new industry trends and events.


The projects section is a great, well-organized section that highlights the work the author has done. The section shows how the author has contributed to each project and the accomplishments and has links to each project. A suggestion to improve this section would be to highlight technical skills learned or used while creating the project. For example, listing the programming language that was used to build the TicTacToe Agent project. For projects that are particularly great, it could be moved to the Featured section of the profile to spotlight the work.


Unfortunately, this profile seems to have very few connections. Requesting connections from friends and past/current coworkers is an easy method to expand connections. More connections can lead to opportunities, references, and skill endorsements. Overall, requesting connections and expanding network is an integral part of Linked In which can only help to improve profile visibility.


There are a few minor grammar corrections that should be made in this profile. The following grammar errors have been identified.

  • In the projects section, some of the bullet points are in present tense. Since these projects were done in the past, the tense for all points should be past tense
  • In the summary section, instead of “1st-year” consider using the word “first year”
  • In the summary section, “skillset” is two words, “skill set”

Overall Impressions/Concluding Comments

This is a well-created and complete profile detailing the author’s professional experience, history, and skills. The following suggestions can improve this profile to an excellent one so that it stands out to recruiters.

  • Expanding connections by requesting to connect with friends and coworkers
  • Improving the photo by increasing resolution and better lighting
  • Adding student at UBC to the profile headline
  • Correcting minor grammar errors in the projects and summary sections
  • Adding the programming language used to create projects
  • Spotlighting particularly impressive projects using the Featured section

Implementing the above suggestions can further this already great profile into an exceptional one.

Elton Kok

Link to original profile: Aleem Tariq Linked In Profile

Link to Peer Review Template: 301-Peer-Review-LinkedIn-Form

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