Assignment 2.2 – Peer Review of Jen Deluz’s LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile Review

Reviewer’s Name: Jonathan Ho
Author’s Name: Jen Deluz
Date: November 4, 2020
LinkedIn URL:

Hi Jen,

Thank you for sharing your LinkedIn profile, this is well-done and utilizes many of the tools that LinkedIn provides. Please find my review for the profile below:

Initial Impressions:

Initial impressions are great! The profile headline clearly indicates a currently held position, Software Engineer Co-op at Kabam, current affiliations of Kabam and UBC, and necessary contact information including the direct link to the LinkedIn profile as well as a professional email address.

  • One quick suggestion, including a computer science student status in the headline may add additional clarity.

Profile Photo:

The profile photo is sufficiently clear in resolution and professional in appearance, good choice.

About Summary:

The summary is both professional and personable. While the summary mentions skills such as software engineering and programing, a possible improvement could include:

  • Using specific key words and naming the programming languages and tools you have experience in for improved profile visibility during key word searches.

Experience and Education:

This section is well populated with work experience at various software engineering positions and current education at UBC, good job.

Volunteer Experience:

  • If any volunteer work was performed, adding it may be beneficial even if the work was not completely relevant to the professional field.


The rest of the profile suggests a highly skilled individual; however, the section for acquired skills appears to be missing.

  • Including a skills section will improve profile visibility, especially since computer science is a field of many specific skills.


Obtaining three excellent and relevant recommendations at this stage in your education is a great achievement, well-done!


Thank you for including relevant courses in the accomplishments section. A suggestion:

  • Including links to personal projects can help demonstrate programming capability.

Final Impressions and Conclusion:

Overall, the use of LinkedIn’s platform and completeness of the profile was great. All sections were easy to read and follow. Below is a list of the suggestions for improving the profile:

  • Adding student details to the profile headline
  • Using specific key words to name programming languages or tools in the summary to improve profile visibility
  • Including any volunteer experience if applicable
  • Including a skills section for relevant skills in the industry
  • Including personal projects within the accomplishments section to prove ability

I hope my feedback helps improve your LinkedIn profile, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Jonathan Ho

301 Jonathan Ho LinkedIn Profile Review Template

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