Peer Review of Amina Moustaqim-Barrette’s LinkedIn Profile

Reviewer: Rodrigo Samayoa

Author: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette

URL – 

Hello Amina, 

Thank you for adding me to your networks and giving me the opportunity to review your profile. Below are some notes to help you improve your profile. 

Initial Impression
The LinkedIn profile does a good job at highlighting all of your experience and accomplishments. It is clear from reading it what your career trajectory has been and shows the impressive resume you have. There are some sections, however, that could use some more detail. 


  • Consider customizing the URL for the profile to make it more readable and personable. 


  • Many experts recommend having a banner image on the profile. An epidemiological data visualization could be a good option to spice up the profile and visually show the reader a bit about yourself. 


  • There is no Summary section on the profile, which is a missed opportunity. The Summary section is an opportunity to tell a story to the readers about the experience, goals and expectations for the account owner. 


  • This is the strongest part of the profile and shows the impressive experience you have had over the years. 
  • Consider adding more detailed descriptions of the different roles held over the years. Two or three sentences would suffice, unless there is more that needs to be highlighted. 


  • The course list is helpful for those who want to know more about your specialty and level of knowledge on a particular subject area. 
  • If there are courses that are especially important to your career, consider highlighting those.

Volunteer Experience

  • Good work describing your experience as a Youth Delegate at COP 22. It is an important context for those outside of climate policy circles who may not know what it is. 

Skills and Endorsements

  • This is an impressive list of skills and endorsements
  • Consider reshuffling the priority of some of the skills to emphasize those skills relevant to epidemiology if that is the career you want to keep pursuing. 


  • The list of publications is very strong as it shows extensive field research. 

The LinkedIn profile shows a very impressive career and set of accomplishments and skills. Where it lacks is on giving further descriptions of your goals and expectations as well as more detail about your role at previous positions. These descriptions are useful to tell a story rather than just list a series of accomplishments. 

I hope these suggestions are helpful.

I look forward to keeping in touch with you in the future!


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