Peer Review of LinkedIn profile page

To: Enguang Shi, ENGL301 99A Team Member

From: Shuge Luo

Date: November 01, 2020

Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn profile page


Hello Enguang Shi,

It was my pleasure to review your LinkedIn profile. Here below are some suggestions and hope they can be helpful.


First Impressions

Your LinkedIn profile offers all aspects of information to enable me to learn more about your career experience and objective. The content was well-organized based on some best practice posts on our team page.



In this part, I think it is unnecessary to provide the reason for your choice of the second degree on CS. It will be more professional and confident if you introduce yourself with strong interests and skills in both financial and computer science.



Profile pictures

Unfortunately, I didn’t find your profile picture which gives me a feeling that you made a hasty decision to register on LinkedIn. You could add a photo where you are wearing attire which indicates you are professional in the financial field.




Your headline gives readers a clear idea that you are a student of UBC while you could offer more information concisely. For example, if you are seeking an internship for 2021, you could staff a short-term career goal into headline alarming recruiters that you are available for next year’s intern position.




In the education section, I recommend highlight some relative courses description depends on what kind of job you are seeking and your desired career path. If your career goal is a SED position, listing relevant courses of BCS would give more context to your current degree.




The details of your recent work are well featured. It is better if you could describe what you did during the specific internship. I would recommend adding the main tasks of each experience and skillsets applied to each internship. If there were achievements in the workplace, you could also mention in this section.


You have built a great LinkedIn profile so far, hope you find my suggestion useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

enclosure:LinkedIn peer review

Enguang’s LinkedIn Link

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