Assignment 2-2 – Peer Review of Eugenia Fasciani’s LinkedIn Profile

To:                  Eugenia Fasciani

From:             Hilton Ma

Date:               November 4, 2020

Subject:          Peer Review of Eugenia Fasciani’s LinkedIn Profile

Hi Eugenia,

Your LinkedIn profile looks very impressive. I have made some comments and suggests below.

First Impressions:

The LinkedIn profile is well written and professional. Your page includes all the necessary components which are all well populated. There are some minor improvements that could enhance your page, mostly pertaining to filling out more content.


Content-wise, all the fundamental components are filled and professionally written, with no grammatical or spelling errors. I have broken down further comments and suggestions based on the various LinkedIn components.

Header & Profile Picture

In this area, I have three suggestions:

  1. Profile picture – The current profile picture is in professional attire and the face encompasses enough of the photo, but consider using a smiling photo with visible teeth as this causes a friendlier perception.
  2. Background cover photo – There is no current background photo (the photo behind the profile photo). Including one would make your profile more visually appealing.
  3. Headline – The headline says “Student at The University of British Columbia”. This section should include the field of study.


It is my opinion that the summary is very well written. It is concise, but engaging, while still mentioning the areas of interest and some skills. I do not believe this component needs revision.


The various listed job and volunteering experience looks extensive and very impressive. Possible improvements could include:

  1. Accomplishment bullet point statements – A few bullet points could be written here to highlight various skills and feats.
  2. Education – This field is missing the field of study.


I have no suggestions for this section.


Some other comments that do not fit in the aforementioned sections include:

  1. Skills component – this component is currently blank and consider adding it
  2. Profile link – changing this to remove random numbers and letters after the name.
  3. Networking – I understand that the profile is relatively new, but consider joining groups, follow interested organizations, and connect with more people to grow your network.

Concluding Comments:

The LinkedIn profile was impressive and well written. The recommended changes to polish this profile are:

  • Change/add more photos for more visual appeal
  • Minor changes to existing sections to add details like field of study, and highlight accomplishments
  • Consider adding additional components like the skills component
  • Network more


Thanks for reading. I hope this helps further refine your LinkedIn profile.


Peer Review Template:

ENGL 301 – Assignment 2-2 Peer Review Template

Link to Eugina’s Profile:

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