Assignment 2:2 Peer Review of Quentin Michalchuk’s LinkedIn Profile

To: Quentin Michalchuk, Engl 301 Writing Team Member

From: Claire Eccles, Engl 301 Writing Team Member

Date: November 4, 2020

Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile


Hello Quentin,

I was pleased to overlook your LinkedIn profile that you put together. Please read the following for comments and suggestions.

First Impressions

  • What really caught my eye was the amount of detail you provided in your experiences and your profile looked complete.

Profile Photo

  • The dimensions are good, cropped well. It provides a friendly tone, but I would suggest a more professional style photo if you have one.

Title box

  • You clearly state what you are doing right now at UBC.
  • I am not clear on what exactly Science One is, it may be helpful to provide information on what it is somewhere on your page for someone who comes across your profile


  • I would suggest lengthening this out a bit, maybe showcasing what your strengths are as a professional.
  • Most of your summary is stated in your title box. Be more specific about what you do in your Pharmacology and Masters of Management courses and what your interests are within that.

Experiences & Achievements

  • I was very impressed with the amount of additional information you gave in your experiences
  • Displays in depth everything you have done for the past few years
  • Providing a broader spectrum of your volunteer experience displays you as well-rounded


  • No comments here, it is clear what your education is


  • Provided many skills here. I would suggest including some skills that are more specific to give a viewer a better idea of what you can do. Is there a certain type of research that you excel at? Is there something within science that you feel most confident and skilled in?


  • I did not notice anything in terms of grammar.
  • If ‘BIKE’ and ‘PRIMED’  in your Pediatric Emergency Medical Research Assistant experience stand for anything, it would be helpful to include what it is.


  • Overall you have provided a detailed and complete profile that provides any viewer a thorough look at what you have done/are doing.
  • I know you have maybe just began using LinkedIn, however it may be helpful to join groups that interest you. Being a member in these groups may increase your networking opportunities.  For example, here could be a Science One alumni group which you could join and keep an eye on.
  • To reiterate, here are my suggestions:
    • If possible, using a professional headshot in your profile photo to enhance your profile.
    • Provide information about what Science One is as it is stated in your title box and may catch a viewers eye.
    • Be more specific about what your strengths are and provide more information than what you displayed in your title box.
    • Include more skills which would be more specific than general research or writing

You have created an impressive profile thus far, and considering these suggestions could bolster your LinkedIn page further. If you would like to discuss these comments, feel free to reach out to me.



Link to the Quentin’s LinkedIn profile:

Peer Review Template: 301 Claire Eccles LinkedIn Peer Review Template

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