Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Effectively Integrating New Employees Remotely at Speakbox


A. Description of Remote Work
B. Background of Remote Onboarding Challenges
C. Purpose of Report and Intended Audience
D. Brief Description of Data Sources
E. Scope of Inquiry


A. Current Onboarding Process

1. advantages
2. obstacles

B. Impact of Remote Work

1. productivity
2. efficiency
3. culture

C. Investigation of Employees: Interviews and Surveys

1. interview current employees

a. perspective
b. suggestions

2. interview new employees

a. expectations
b. suggestions

3. survey all employees

c. activities to promote team building and teamwork

D. Proposed New Onboarding Process

1. advantages
2. obstacles
3. cost approximation for implementation

a. communication tools
b. team bonding activities

4. follow-up survey


A. Summary and Overall Interpretation of Findings
B. Recommendations

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