ENGL 301- Anusha Saleem, 2.1 Formal Report Proposal (Redo)

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor

From: Anusha Saleem, ENGL 301 99A Student

Date: November 7th, 2020


Subject: Proposal to Reduce Bicycle Theft at UBC Student Family Residence (Acadia Park)



One of the quickest and most enjoyable ways to travel around the UBC campus is on a bicycle. Cycling is convenient, inexpensive, and healthy. Moreover, UBC is committed to supporting the campus community by continuously expanding on-road infrastructure and cycling resources. Part of that infrastructure involves providing ample locations on where to securely lock the bicycles. However, these locations are scarce at the UBC Student Family Residence, named Acadia Park.


Statement of Problem:

UBC offers 19 bicycle lockers and 13 free bicycle cages across the campus, and even though Acadia Park is within this boundary, there are no lockers or bike cages present in the vicinity. As a result, residents of Acadia Park, composed of student families with children, are forced to keep bicycles on their porches (which are open to the street) or tethered to the few unmonitored outdoor racks. In addition to this, due to COVID-19, most of the individual students have moved out of UBC, making Acadia Park residence the most populated area. Due to these factors, Acadia Park has become a targeted spot for increasingly frequent bicycle theft.


Proposed Solution:

A proposed solution would involve UBC Student Housing to liaise with UBC Campus Security and provide CCTV monitored bicycle cages/lockers for the eight residential buildings that make up Acadia Park. The 24/7 surveillance will discourage thieves and provide compelling video evidence in case a theft does occur. This solution will also go hand-in-hand with UBC’s commitment to supporting and protecting the campus community from theft and loss of property. 



To analyze the feasibility of implementing the proposed solution, the following questions will be asked to the residents of Acadia Park:

  1. How many bicycles are there on average per household? Therefore, how many bicycles are there on average per residence?
  2. Is locking your bicycle at a nearby location important to you?
  3. Would you lock your bicycle at a cage/locker if that area is under surveillance? 
  4. What if the monitored bicycle cage/locker were far from your residence?
  5. Where do you lock your bicycle? 
  6. Why do you choose to lock your bicycle on your porch? 
    • Because of its quick accessibility 
    • Because the bicycle rack of your building is overcrowded
    • Because you feel that your bicycle has a higher chance of being stolen from the available rack



The primary source of data collection would be through virtual interviews with Acadia Park residents. In addition to the interviews,  data will also be gathered through formulated surveys that will be posted on both the UBC Families and Acadia Park Facebook groups. 


Intended Audience:

This report will be presented to the UBC Student Housing- Student Family Residence Manager.  It will propose a solution to reduce bicycle theft and will be supported by the consolidated results of the aforementioned interviews and surveys amongst the residents. 



As an Acadia Park resident and bicycle owner, the increasing frequency of bicycle theft in the neighbourhood is a matter of concern, which needs to be addressed.



In conclusion, the implementation of a CCTV monitored bicycle cages/locker system in each residence is beneficial to the neighbourhood and will help in reducing bicycle theft in the area.



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