Barton Lui| Assignment 2.3 Formal Report Outline

Formal report outline about how to make the City of Vancouver more sustainable

I. Introduction

A. Background information on the effects of pollution in Vancouver cities and the increase in population trend

B. State the problem: Pollution levels increasing in Vancouver due to the increase in urbanization

C. Audience: Mayor’s office of the City of Vancouver


II. Body

A. Current status of Vancouver

  1. How rapid urbanization affects Vancouver- environmentally and economically
  2. What percentage of the population drives to school/work everyday (pre-covid)

B. Possible Solutions

  1. Promote the use of electrical vehicles
    • Cost-effectiveness
    • Easy to use
  2. Encourage alternative use of transportation
    • Electric Scooter sharing program
    • Lower bike-sharing costs
  3. Make roads safer for cyclists
    • Give more space for bike lanes
    • install a bike traffic light in major intersections.
  4.  Greater promotion effort on the electric car rebate program
    • Include more eligible electric car brands and widen the eligible price range
  5. Invest in infrastructure
    • Build underground bike storage with enhanced theft prevention system
    • Easier Skytrain station access for bike users
  6. Partner up with companies
    • Allow shareriding companies to operate

C. Data collection

  1. understand current commuters behaviour
  2. Online questionnaires(cyclists, public transit commuters, drivers)
  3. BC Hydro- current advertisement on electric car rebate and usage rate
  4. City of Vancouver city planners

III. Conclusion

A. Summary of data and overall findings

B. Summary of problem and solutions


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