Phoebe Wu | Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline: Increasing Student Registrations at Pott’s Education Studio through Social Media


  1. Background of Pott’s Education Studio
  2. Overview of the current status of student registrations


  1. Evaluation of current status of problem and the causes
    • Reasons for a decline in student registrations
    • The makeup of the student body
    • Current status of social media accounts
  2. Main demographic for attracting more students
  3. Why and how social media could be a good tool for increasing student registrations
    • Proof of concept – Examples of other service businesses that have increased their clientele through social media
    • Studies that show the effectiveness of social media marketing
  4. What techniques have they used that we could adopt
  5. Which social media platform would be best for our target demographic?
  6. A step-by-step plan to increasing social media presence
    • What content to publish to attract clients
    • How often we should be posting
  7. Ways to maintain a consistent social media presence in the long run
    • What apps could help


  1. A summary and overall interpretations of finding
  2. Step-by-step steps on how to increase social media presence
  3. Recommendations

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