Formal Report Outline | Mitchell Prost

To: Writing Team

From: Mitchell Prost

Date: Nov. 9, 2020

Subject: Formal Report Outline



  • Introduction to RHA
  • Context of the RHA’s marketing strategies
    • Postering
    • Social Media
    • Word-of-mouth
  • Context of the RHA’s past executive structures
    • Role transformation
    • Roles scope
    • Summary of struggles and success of previous models
  • Context of the RHA’s current executive structure
    • Roles scope
    • Summary of struggles and success of current model
  • Context of the RHA’s election model
    • History of the RHA’s election model
    • Summary of struggles and success of the RHA’s election model
  • Purpose of this report
  • Proposed solutions


Data Section (body)

  • Survey regarding RHA’s presence with students in UBC Student Residences
    • Do they know the brand
    • How do they come in contact with the RHA
    • Preferred way to be solicited for events
  • 1:1 interviews with current executives regarding the scope of their roles
    • What is going well
    • What is not going well
    • What structural changes could make the job easier
  • 1:1 interviews with RHA members about election experiences
  • 1:1 interviews with student leaders on campus with similarly sized organizations regarding their election procedures



  • Summary of findings
  • Presentation of recommendations
    • Recommended marketing changes
    • Recommended structural changes
    • Recommended elections procedures updates.

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