Barton Lui | Assignment 2.3 Memo re. Formal Report Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Professor

From: Barton Lui, ENGL301 99A Student

Date: November 13th, 2020

As per the course schedule, below is my progress report of my formal report on how to encourage Vancouverites to consider using a more environmentally sustainable method of transportation.


The purpose of the report is to explore whether or not Vancouverites can use rely on a sustainable transportation method.

The audience of the report

  • Mayor’s Office of Vancouver- The mayor has the power to influence a lot of major decisions regarding infrastructure, legislation, bylaws and policies.
  • CEO of Translink- Currently this position is vacant but the most recent holder of the top executive position is Kevin Desmond.
  • Daily Commuter.

Significance of the report

This report will investigate why some people are not using sustainable transportation methods such as bikes and electric cars to get to work/school. By knowing what is preventing them from doing so, we can provide recommendations to the authorities to make some changes to the existing situation.

Research Plan

  • Problem: Can Vancouver use a more sustainable method of transportation?
    • As the population continues to increase in Vancouver, more people will be required to travel around which in turn will generate more pollution. We have to explore the behaviours of commuters and implement suggestions to encourage positive behaviours that will benefit the environment.
  •  The primary data source will be from the online community, family and friends
  • Interview with Translink management team for insights, current plan and future plans to address the problem
  • secondary data

Writing Schedule

  • Nov 16 2020: Start emailing friends and family. Send them the survey and start emailing Translink managers for interviews. Post survey link on Facebook groups
  • Nov 19 2020: Begin secondary data collection
  • Nov 20 2020: Interview with Translink managers
  • Nov 27 2020: Use the collected primary and secondary data to start writing the report
  • Nov 30 2020: Final revisions of formal report draft
  • Dec 1 2020: Post formal report draft on the team forum
  • Dec 4 2020: Write peer review of formal report draft
  • Dec 9 2020: Post peer review of teammate’s formal report draft
  • Dec 12 2020: Revise the formal report draft based on peer review
  • Dec 15 2020: Make final revisions to the formal report
  • Dec 17 2020: Formal report deadline. Post as .pdf or .doc on the team forum

Survey link:

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