Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Report Email Memo | Phoebe Wu

To:           Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor

From:       Phoebe Wu, ENGL 301 99A Student

Date:        November 13, 2020

Subject:    Formal Report Progress Report



As a part of the ENGL 301 curriculum, students were to give an update on the progress of their Formal Report. Below please find my progress update on my Formal Report on increasing student registrations at Pott’s Education Studio through social media.



This formal report is targeted to the administrative body at Pott’s. This will be anyone on the managing team, for example, Phillip Potts, the owner, or one of the managers, Kristen, Karolin, or Vivian. The managing team at Pott’s are most interested in finding inventive ways to increase student registrations and have access to the company social media accounts. They also ultimately decide on what image the studio would like to portray and dictate what content is appropriate to post.



The purpose of this report is to research the most effective ways to promote businesses on social media and to construct a step-by-step plan on how to promote Pott’s Education Studio on social media to attract more clientele.


Significance of Report:

            There has been a decline in student registrations at Pott’s for a couple of years. While the decline is not drastic, an increase in student registrations is the goal for expanding the business. This research and report will outline the next steps Pott’s should take to reach that goal.


Research Plan:

  1. Identifying the problem:
    • Identify current status of student registrations and the cause of decline
  2. Primary research:
    • Survey consumers in our target demographic on what attracts them to a business on social media
  3. Secondary research:
    • Articles and previous interviews of successful companies from notable journals and news outlets who have grown their business through social media.

Writing Schedule:

  • November 16th: Begin conducting surveys
  • November 17th: Begin collecting data from secondary sources
  • November 19th: Begin writing rough draft using research
  • December 1st : Submit formal report draft on team forum
  • December 10th: Submit peer review of team member’s draft
  • December 12th: Begin revisions
  • December 17th: Submit final draft on team forum

Attached are proposed survey questions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or recommendations. I look forward to hearing from you!

Enclosure: 301 – Phoebe Wu Businesses on Social Media Survey

One comment on “Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Report Email Memo | Phoebe Wu
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Phoebe,

    Thank you for posting your progress report, this looks excellent and the survey is ready to go – excellent.

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