Progress Report Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Engl 301 99A Professor
From: Evan Ruiz, Engl 301 99A Student 
Date: November 13, 2020
Subject: Formal Progress Report 

Hello Dr. Paterson, 

Happy Friday! I hope you are doing well and staying safe. 

Per the instructions posted on the ENGL 301 website, I’ve attached a progress report of my formal report; addressing how intermittent physical activity, in the midst of remote learning, can be applied to improve the overall health and mental wellbeing of members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.


This report will assess all of the active members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity who live in the organization’s shared house. As all active members are students and this sample size would represent a small portion of the student body. Moreover, as they all live in a shared house, the implementation of structured, intermittent, physical activity will be more effective.


The purpose of this report is to determine if, and the degree to which, intermittent physical activity (as a structured routine) can help improve the mental and physical wellbeing of students at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 

Significance of Report:

The COVID-19 pandemic has, undoubtedly, altered the future of remote education and learning. Educational institutions have found that remote learning can be effective and productive; altering the future of education. With that being said, it is necessary to determine the most effective ways to help students maintain physical and mental wellbeing, while operating in a remote capacity.

Research Plan: 


  1. Obtain a base level understanding of members’ mental and physical health through a survey.

Primary Research:

  1. Implementation of the proposed plan 
  2. Survey to determine the degree that members are following the plan 
  3. Survey to assess the plans effectiveness 

Secondary Research:

  1. Online articles that address the ‘negatives’ associated with remote learning 
  2. Online articles that consider the benefits of physical activity 
  3. Online articles that assess the role that ‘structure’ plays in overall mental/ physical health

Writing Schedule:

  • November 16th: Baseline survey 
  • November 18th: Research data from secondary sources/ Implementation of plan 
  • November 21st: Formal report draft; including data collected from primary research and secondary research
  • November 27th: Revise formal report draft posted on Team Forum
  • December 1st: Post Formal Report draft 
  • December 7th: Revise Formal Report draft
  • December 16th: Final review of formal report
  • December 17th: Post final formal report on Team Forum

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information!

Warm Regards,

Evan Ruiz

Survey Questions:

One comment on “Progress Report Memorandum
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Evan,

    Thank you for posting this Progress Report. Evan, surveys need ethical introductions – please take a look at the Instructor’s Blog re: Surveys. As well, asking about a participants mental health is a personal question — too personal for our approval from the Ethics board. So, please review the blog, write a proper introduction that assures autonomy and that the survey is voluntary and reconsider how to ask about well-being of your participants. Send me an email with a link to the revised survey when you are finished, thank you.

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