Progress Report on Formal report

To:           Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor

From:       Shuge Luo, ENGL 301 99A Student

Date:        November 13, 2020

Subject:    Progress Report on Formal report


As required in the Course Schedule, below is the progress report on the formal report to the Circular Economy Accelerator Programme project of Zero Waste Scotland. In addition, please find my interview and survey questions attached.


  • Adrian Bond, Programme Manager: Recycling
  • Nicola McGovern, Programme Area Manager – Communications
  • Marissa Lippiatt, Head of Resource Efficiency


  • The purpose of this report is to identify the problems of waste management in Edinburgh and construct a feasible plan for Zero Waste Scotland.

Research Plan

  • Identify and evaluate the problem:
    • what is people’s thoughts on recycling?
    • Is recycling an efficient way of waste management?
    • What new ideas could bring in to solve the issue
  • Primary Data
    • Questionnaire response
    • Interview feedback
  •  Secondary Data
    • EU’s circular economy action plan
    • Research on waste management efficiency in Edinburgh.

Writing Schedule

  • Nov 15th: Start to send questionnaires on social media
  • Nov 16th: Conduct interviews with the student living in Edinburgh at the moment
  • Nov 20th: Secondary data resource collection
  • Nov 25th: Begin report draft
  • Nov 28th: Revise the report draft
  • Dec 1st: Share report draft on the team forum
  • Dec 10th: Revise the report draft based on the suggestion from peer review
  • Dec  15th: Final revision on the report
  • Dec 17th: Post the final report on the team forum

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions on the progress report or any further questions. I am looking forward to hearing any advice from you.

Enclosure:301 Shuge Luo Interview And Survey (2)

One comment on “Progress Report on Formal report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Shuge,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report. There are a couple of issues with the survey. The introduction needs correction. Please just include the word voluntary. There is no need to tell participants that they do not need to answer personal questions – is there a reason to ask the personal questions? At any rate, including the word voluntary is the correct way to frame the introduction to the survey.

    I am a little confused about the “test” for your interviewees? Why not just use surveys and ask the questions?

    Let me know via an email – thank you.

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