Email Memo: Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Amol Chahal, ENGL 301 Student

Date: November 14th, 2020

Subject: Progress update on the Formal Report

I am writing to provide an update on the progress of my formal report, “A Proposal to Implement Online System to help manage flu vaccinations during the pandemic.”

Intended Audience:

  • Community Pharmacy Owner, Richmond
  • Community Pharmacy Owner, Vancouver


  • The purpose of this report is to identify the current inefficiencies in the system for flu vaccinations and exploring the potential implementation of technology to improve the patient experience.

Research Plan

  • Create and send survey results using Google Forms.
  • Perform online research regarding current practices.
  • Compile the data results from all different sources.

Report Significance:

  • This report will provide insights into the current use of technology or lack thereof, for the administration of flu shots at a community pharmacy.
  • It will also provide further recommendations for potentially implementing technology to improve the inefficiencies identified.


  • Nov 15th: Create survey results
  • Nov 18th: Send out the survey results
  • Nov 25th: Analyze the results
  • Nov 29th: Complete the first draft
  • Nov 30th: Finalize the results and analysis
  • Dec 10th: Revise the formal report based on peer review
  • Dec 15th: Final revisions
  • Dec 17th: Submit the final report

I will be using the following resource to begin my primary research:

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my aforementioned plan or if you have any questions/concerns. I look forward to conducting the research and writing the report.

Survey link:

2 comments on “Email Memo: Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Amol, thank you for posting your Progress Report. The report is meant to have a section indicating the significance of the Report and include the survey for approval. Please do include a link to your surveys, and alert me with an email, thank you.

  2. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Amol,

    Thank you for your email alerting me to your new posts. Amol, you need a correct ethical introduction to the survey – I cannot approve a survey without an ethical introduction. Please, review the relevant Instructor’s Blog, study the example and follow the wording. Alert me with an email with a hyperlink to the survey as soon as possible. Thank you.

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