ENGL 301 99A Assignment 3:1 Memo to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp, UBC student
From: Erin Mungham, ENGL 301 student
Date: November 14, 2020
Subject: Best Practices in Writing an E-mail to a Professor Seeking to be Added to a Full Course

Here is some advice on writing e-mails to professors to be added to a full course. These principles result in more professional and respectful looking e-mails.

Tips for writing professional e-mails:

  • Greetings include the professors name to show respect
  • Adding a subject that is clear and descriptive
  • Identifying yourself to the professor to prevent confusion
  • Keeping to the point of requesting to be added to a full course to avoid wasting the readers time
  • Eliminating grammar errors to avoid looking careless
  • Using a formal or semiformal tone when writing to superiors
  • Avoiding a negative tone when asking for a favour of being added to a full course
  • Emphasizing benefits of taking the course rather than negatives
  • Asking permission to be added to the class to show enthusiasm and seriousness
  • Showing sincere gratitude for the professor’s consideration
  • Ending the message with first and last name

Following these tips ensures effective and professional communication with a professor. If you have any questions, please email me at munghame@student.ubc.ca

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