Assignment 3.1: Email Memo to Evan Crisp Demonstrating You-Attitude


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

From: Roxanne Robles, UBC ENGL301 Student

Date: November 17, 2020

Subject: Best Practices For Writing an Email to Professor for Seeking Admittance to a Full Course

As requested, I have reviewed your email to Professor Lambert that requests placement to a full class. There are some improvements that could help motivate the professor for a positive response. Using the following practices, hopefully it will lead to a more professional and well-received email.

Tips for Writing a Professional Email to Professor:

  • Including a clear and descriptive subject line to summarize the intent and importance of email
  • Respectfully greet professor by their name and/or title
  • Introduce yourself to be clear on who is making the  request
  • Concisely keep to the point of email for easy readability
  • To avoid a negative tone, politely make request without using imperative verbs
  • For a professional tone, refrain from using slang and informal language
  • Provide all necessary information, such as student number, and the desired course name, number, time, etc. to avoid confusion between courses
  • For a formal tone, use consistent spacing, proper punctuation and proper grammar.
  • Remember to express thankfulness for time spent by reader and for consideration of request
  • For a sense of formality, conclude email with appropriate salutation and include full name

Being able to write an effective email that is respectable and professional is important. It can be utilized in various scenarios, not just in school. Hopefully, these tips can help your chances for success in personal, professional and academic settings. If you have any questions, please contact me via email at

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