Nicholas Jang | Assignment 3.1 – Writing with You-Attitude Email Memorandum


To: Evan Crisp

From: Nicholas Jang

Date: November 19th, 2020

Subject: Advice on Best Practices for Writing E-mails to Professors Regarding Course Registration


Hi Evan,

In regards to your previous email inquiring about strategies you can employ when emailing professors, I have prepared a short memo on some strategies that I find helpful when writing emails. These strategies are based upon my learnings of an article titled “The You Attitude and Reader-Centered Writing”.


Tips for writing an email to a professor

  • An email address that contains a full name can help the recipient identify you in their inbox
  • The use of spelling and grammar software can help eliminate typos
  • A clear concise email message can help mitigate miscommunication
  • The addition of contact information within an email signature can help the recipient to follow-up
  • For professors that teach multiple sections of a course, specifying the section number in your email can increase their response time
  • Framing requests as a question rather than a statement
  • Matching word choice with the intended audience of the email


Email is an essential communication method for both business and personal life. Utilizing these tips when writing emails can help us ensure our messages are conveyed correctly in emails. If you have any questions, please emails me at



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