Assignment 3.1 – Writing with You-Attitude Email Memorandum

To: Evan Crisp

From: Shuge Luo

Date: November 20th, 2020

Subject: Best Practices in Writing Emails to professor


Hello Evan,

Regarding the email you ask for placement in a course, there list some advice on writing a professional email to professors. “You Attitude” is the essence of the guideline to achieve successful communications.



Tips for writing emails to professors:

  • Making readers (professors) feel the suggestion is from their point of view by avoiding using “I” or “We” in the email.
  • Limiting the use of “You” in the body of the email.
  • Emphasizing the benefit for your professor. Using a general tone would make it sounds better.
  • Standing out the main point at the beginning helps the audience catch the main idea immediately.
  • Framing the email by avoiding right alignment makes it easier to read for audience.
  • Showing a positive attitude and focusing on the positive side of the suggestion.
  • Expressing appreciation for professor and avoiding offensive expressions like complaining or blaming.



Email is an essential tool to build successful communications. Following these tips definitely hence the chance of getting a placement in a full course. If you have any questions, please email me at

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