Barton Lui | Assignment 3.1 – Writing with You-Attitude Email Memorandum

To: Evan Crisp

From: Barton Lui

Date: November 19th, 2020

Subject: How to write better emails to professors asking for assistance

In response to feedback about not receiving a reply from the English professor concerning a course, I have included some tips and advice to help you achieve your goal when you ask the professor for a favour. I have learnt about the “YOU” attitude and how it would apply to this situation and I think could help you tremendously. Please let me know if you have further questions!

  • Consider registering a new email address with your name only. Do not use an informal email address because it is not appropriate in any formal setting.
  • Having a proper email subject line will allow the professor to understand what is the objective of the email. Include the course name, student number and .
  • Avoid showing frustration and complaint in emails. Instead, show your appreciation for what the professor might be able to do and do not displaying annoyance behaviour towards the professor.
  • Restrict the usage of imperatives verbs to remain respectful and not sound condescending. Imperatives are only for giving commands or instructions.
  • Readers expect and deserve courtesy so try to write in a way that the reader will feel appreciated for their efforts if they were to help you
  • Avoid using casual abbreviations such as ttfn, be respectful and use proper sign-offs for formal emails and include the name of the sender at the end of the email.
  • End the email in a professional tone will show the reader that the writer is serious about the situation and is proactive in finding a solution to the problem.

I hope this helps and if you have further questions, please do not hesitate and send me an email.




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