Jessica Lee | Assignment 3.1 Memo re. Writing with You Attitude


To: Evan Crisp

From: Jessica Lee, JL, ENGL 301 99A Student

Date: November 18th, 2020

Subject: Best Practices in Writing Effective Emails

Here is a memo that suggests ways to write a professional and effective email by adopting the “YOU” attitude. Expect a greater chance of response from the professor with the use of the following practices:

  • Adopting a professional email address so it is not spam-filtered and received properly by the intended recipient.
  • Formatting the email properly by using the subject line; address the recipient by their last name along with the use of a prefix; eliminate unnecessary spacings – these details will increase readability.
  • Being as specific as possible with the purpose of the email – include the course title, your name (that is registered in the university system), your student number, and a valid reason for why the professor should prioritize your placement in the course.
  • Trying to avoid the use of imperatives to remain a respectful tone and not sound condescending.
  • Eliminating the use of inappropriate languages as well as abbreviations when writing a professional email to show respect.
  • Including your contact information at the end of the email so the recipient can easily respond and follow-up.
  • Finishing the email by thanking the reader for taking the time to read the email – a formal ending will reemphasize on the seriousness of the matter addressed in the email.

By following closely to this guideline, you should be able to draft a more professional email for your professor. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

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