Memo – Writing with a ‘You’ Attitude

To: Evan Crisp
From: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, English 301 student
Subject: Memo – Writing Effective E-mail Messages for Course Registration
Date: November 20 2020

Dear Evan,

Thank you so much for sending along the email you wrote to Professor Lambert. Having been in a similar position of requesting placement in a course that was already at capacity, I have thought through and collated a list of principles for professional emailing writing.

When writing an email to a professor:

  • Use a clear subject line. Professors often have to comb through hundreds of email every week, so having the course name, course number, and query in the email subject line will help ensure that the email is answered.
  • Use a professional email address. Using your school email address helps identify the sender, and ensures that the email is from a trusted source.
  • Communicate your interest. Communicating your interest in the subject matter and reasons for wanting to take a course may encourage the instructor to see what possibilities exist, even when the course may be at capacity.
  • Make your request clear. Similar to the point above, professors tend to get quite busy, and keeping emails short and making the request easy-to-find will save the recipient time and help ensure that the email does not go unanswered.
  • End your message with your contact information. Including your full name, student number, and contact information will help ensure that the professor knows how to contact you and refer to you for administrative purposes.

Course registration is stressful for both students and professors. Ensuring that communications are friendly and detailed helps the process along for everyone involved. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at, and good luck with your registration!


Amina Moustaqim-Barrette

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