Memo- Writing With You Attitude

To: Evan Crisp 
From: Evan Ruiz, Student- ENGL 301
Subject: Emailing your Professor 
Date: November 20, 2020

Dear Evan, 

Thank you for reaching out to me. Happy Friday! I’ve been in a similar position recently, and I’ve attached some tips that I’ve learned that may be beneficial to you:

  • Include a subject line- Professional individuals, in any capacity, receive all sorts of emails (including spam and junk mail) and you don’t want yours to get lost in the mix. A good subject should elicit a quicker response, and allow your professor to maintain a high level of mail-organization. 
  • Be personable- Professors are receiving emails consistently throughout the day. Take the time to wish them well, or introduce yourself. It makes a positive difference!
  • Demonstrate genuine interest in the course- Professors are more likely to work with students who are passionate about the subject matter they engage with.
  • Make a formal request- simple and to the point. Be kind, yet clear, with the intention behind your email so that there is no confusion. 
  • Conclude by thanking the professor- be sure to include your contact information. 

Course registration is nerve racking for both students and professors. Keep this in mind as you proceed and make the experience pleasant for all parties involved in the communication. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have at

Best wishes, 

Evan Ruiz


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