Formal Report Outline

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Ishaan Vora, ENGL 301 Student
Date: November 22, 2020
Subject: Formal Report Progress Report

This email memorandum highlights the additions made on the formal report regarding the implementation of a new bus line from Commercial Broadway Station to the University of British Columbia in an attempt to reduce the problem of overcrowding.


For this report, the intended audience is the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation along with the representatives of Translink PLC that sit on the panel.


This formal report evaluates the inefficiency of the 99B-Line which has caused an extensive amount of overcrowding on the bus and at Commercial Broadway station. Furthermore, it presents a solution by proposing a new bus line that runs directly from the station to the University of British Columbia to divide the crowd and mitigate the current problem. The report will also provide qualitative data from interviews taken for the council to acknowledge this problem with comprehensive understanding from local perspectives.


If acknowledged, the proposed solution would identity the crowd in two categories; Commercial/public and university faculty. In doing so, the new bus line would reduce hours of overcrowding. This would help create efficiency of the 99B-Line, lower the amount of time wasted, increase morale, and therefore create welfare in personal and public lives.

Research Plan

  • Identify the problem: The factors that accentuate the issue
  • Conducting primary research: Consisting of local commuters, family, and friends via interviews
  • Conducting secondary research: From online travel websites, Vancouver transportation websites, and blogs
  • Analyze the acquired data

Writing Schedule

  • November 13 – Progress report due
  • November 22-25 – Conduct interviews on local commuters, family, and friends and acquiring secondary data
  • November 27-28 – Analyzing and evaluating the data
  • December 1 – Submit a draft of the formal report
  • December 10 – Complete peer review of formal report draft
  • December 11-15 – Incorporate peer feedback into the formal report and make final revisions
  • December 17 – Submit formal report on the team forum

Please find attached the interview questions document.

Thank you for your time! I look forward to hearing from you!


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