Memorandum to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crips

From: Ishaan Vora

Date: November 22, 2020

Subject: Improving the effectiveness of writing E-mail messages to professors

I appreciate you reaching out to the ENGL301 class for advice on not receiving a reply from the English professor. Following, I have included some advice and strategies I learned from “Writing with the YOU-attitude” which will help increase the likelihood of receiving a favorable response back!

  • Emailing your professor with your business/student email that clearly shows your name in your email address. Formal in nature, emails shouldn’t be written from informal addresses and therefore avoiding so will help your situation.
  • The subject line of your email matters. It forms a clear indication of what your email is communicating and therefore allows the professor to understand the objective of the email. Do include the course name and student number for his/her convenience. 
  • Avoiding showing extensive emotions such as complaints or frustrations in the email. Remain respectful and courteous while addresses a certain manner which will show how appreciative you are being towards the matter.
  • It would be best to refrain from using colloquial abbreviations that don’t maintain the decorum and format of the email.
  • The ending of your email should be respectful and professional. You should be able to understand the tone of your email and maintain it.
  • Offering goodwill and formal conclusions such as ‘Apologies for causing any inconvenience’ or ‘Awaiting your kind response’ at the end would add a personal touch to a digitized message. This could result in your professor appreciating your email and reciprocating in a proactive manner.

I hope this helps and if you have further questions, please do not hesitate and send me an email at!



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